As part Quaker Window Products ongoing commitment to the local community and Quaker family, the 2023 recipients of Thomas M. Knoll Memorial Scholarships were proudly announced today. To be eligible, scholarship applicants must have a parent or legal guardian working at Quaker, or they must be an employee themselves. This year, twenty-two TMK scholarships were awarded to the following students:
Parker Bauer, Fatima High School. Parker has worked at Quaker part-time during the past year. He will be attending State Technical College of Missouri in Linn to study Computer Application Development.
Roselynn Mary Berhorst, Fatima High School. Roselynn has been a student-employee at Quaker since 2022. Roselynn has chosen to attend Missouri S & T University in Rolla to study Computer Science.
Claire Bexten, Fatima High School. Claire is the daughter of Lisa Bexten, an Executive Assistant at Quaker. For the past 2 years, Claire has also been a part-time employee at Quaker. She will be studying Elementary Education while attending Lincoln University in Jefferson City.
Megan Borgmeyer, Fatima High School. A part-time employee at Quaker last summer, Megan is looking forward to attending Truman State University in Kirksville later this fall. Her field of study will be Psychology.
Jasper DeGraffenreid, Eldon High School. Jasper will be attending State Fair Community College in Sedalia. He plans to major in Education.
Curtis Falter, Fatima High School. Curtis has been working at Quaker part-time since 2021. He will be attending Fort Scott (KS) Community College later this year with the intention of becoming a John Deere Technician.
Mitchell Falter, Fatima High School. Mitchell worked at Quaker on a part-time basis since last summer and much of his Senior year. This fall, he will begin studying Electrical Engineering at State Technical College of Missouri in Linn.
Sara Groene, Fatima High School. For the past year, Sarah has worked part-time at Quaker. She will begin taking courses at Truman State University in Kirksville this fall and has chosen Psychology as her field of study.
William Holmes, Eugene High School. William is the son of Joseph Holmes, Commercial Product Manager at Quaker. William is currently undecided on his college choice, but he will major in Electrical Engineering once he makes his decision.
Kayleigh Jones, Rolla High School. Kayleigh is the daughter of Angelique Jones, a member of Quaker’s Vinyl Production Team. Kayleigh is enrolled at Missouri S & T University in Rolla this fall and plans to study Biological Sciences.
Ryan Kesel, Fatima High School. Ryan is the son of Dave Kesel, Report Writer at Quaker. He also worked part-time at Quaker last summer. Later this year, Ryan will be going to State Technical College of Missouri in Linn to study Computer Application Development.
Maci Kloeppel, Fatima High School. Maci has been a student-employee at Quaker since 2021. She is enrolled at Columbia (MO) College, where she intends to make Physical Therapy her major field of study.
Dakota Mercer, Blair Oaks High School. Dakota is the son of David Mercer, Manufacturing Director at Quaker. Missouri S & T University in Rolla is where Dakota will be attending college, where he will study Engineering.
Meah Knoll, Fatima High School. Meah is the daughter of Jeremy Knoll, an Training Instructor
at Quaker. Meah has also been a student-employee at Quaker in the past. She is already taking courses at the Osage Ambulance District so that she may become an EMT/Paramedic.
Alaynee Oliver, Fatima High School. Alaynee has been a part-time member of the Quaker team for two summers. She is enrolled at State Technical College of Missouri in Linn where she will study nursing.
Olivia Reichel, Fatima High School. Olivia was employed part-time last summer with Quaker. She will be going to State Technical College of Missouri in Linn, where she wants to study Business Administration and Digital Marketing.
Mary Schwartz, Fatima High School. Mary was part of Quaker’s production team in 2021 and 2022. This fall, she will be attending the University of Missouri-Columbia, majoring in Natural Resources.
Trey Struemph, St. Elizabeth High School. Trey was a summer-employee at Quaker last summer. He is enrolled at State Technical College of Missouri in Linn where he plans to study
Biomedical Engineering.
Victor Struemph, Fatima High School. Victor was a student-employee at Quaker last summer. He will be majoring in Engineering when he begins classes this fall at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Ava Stuecken, Fatima High School. Ava has worked at Quaker as a part-time employee for two summers. Now, she will be embarking on his next educational step at the University of Missouri-Columbia, where she’ll be studying Biochemistry.
Elizabeth Veasman, Vienna High School. Elizabeth has been a student-employee at Quaker since 2021. Later this year, Elizabeth plans to study Dental Hygiene at Ozarks Technical College in Springfield.
Cami Wieberg, Fatima High School. Cami is the daughter of Bonnie Wieberg, a member of Quaker’s Human Resources division. Cami, who has also been a part-time employee at Quaker, is going to Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg to major Psychology.
About the Scholarship: The TMK Memorial Scholarship Fund was created in 2004. To date,
more than $150,000 in scholarship money has been awarded to local high school seniors in
their pursuit of higher education.