
Green Initiatives

Quaker is determined to be an industry leader in sustainability by reusing and reducing as many materials as possible. During the fabrication process, we incorporate innovative recycling and resource conservation methods to create energy-efficient products that follow sound environmental practices.


Our aluminum and glass scraps are frequently reused by recyclers to maximize the use of materials that Quaker produces.

Resource Conservation

In all Quaker factories, we seek out ways to reduce waste of raw materials such as glass, aluminum, vinyl, wood and paint through the use of advanced machinery and good practices on the production floor.

Our in-house powder coat paint facilities were built with conservation in mind and have stopped years of environmentally damaging VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) entering the world that liquid paints would have produced.

By collecting and reusing non-hazardous overspray powder, we are able to achieve a near 100% use of paint coating to limit unnecessary waste.

A Dedicated ENERGY STAR® Partner

For over two decades, Quaker has been part of the government-run ENERGY STAR program that is used throughout the United States.

Quaker windows and doors that are suitable for your climate zone that meet the ENERGY STAR criteria are guaranteed to be energy efficient and save money on heating and cooling bills for years to come.

U-Factor and SHGC:

To meet ENERGY STAR criteria, U-Factor and SHGC (solar heat gain) ratings are applied to products in order to show whether they are suitable for the four different U.S. climate zones (northern, north central, south central, southern). No matter the location of your commercial project, Quaker will always have options available that meet or exceed the necessary ENERGY STAR criteria.

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